Modes for support and intervention (with fees)
We know that separation and divorce are very expensive. It is emotionally expensive and it is financially expensive. Because we are trying to reduce stress, not increase it, we will do all we can to keep our fees as low as possible.
That being said, it is also true that most insurance will not cover these services. This is, after all, not usually a consequence of a mental or emotional illness. Sometimes the stresses of a separation or divorce can create emotional or other problems which are covered by insurance, but we encourage you to check with your insurance provider about limits of coverage.
We have a sliding scale of fees based on ability to pay. The standard fee for a 50 minute session with Dr. Robinson is $100. The fee doesn't vary by how many people are in the room. An individual session is the same fee as a session with the whole family.
The fee for the Building Healthy Relationships class is $500 for the twelve-week program. This can be paid in installments. The fee for the Practice Group is $35 a week.
Often couples will communicate with each other by email for the purposes of clarifying decisions or notifying the other parent about issues with the children. It is often helpful to copy Dr. Robinson on some of these communications so that he can observe and comment on the barriers to clear and constructive agreement building. There is no fee for his reading your posts. The time taken to compose responses will be billed on the basis of the time it takes to respond. The usual fee is $2/minute. Often he can simply forward handouts which are pertinent to the situation at hand.
From time to time issues arise which beg for intervention before a next session can be scheduled. Dr. Robinson is available for telephone consultation for ongoing clients. Again the time is billed at $2/minute. Reduced fees are available. Please speak to Dr. Robinson about your circumstances if you need a reduction in fee.
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