"Just Conflict" is now available

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A little before six this evening UPS delivered 100 copies of my book.  I went on Amazon and discovered that they have it listed.  There is no image yet and they admit it isn't in stock, but you can order it.  I am discounting the price if you want to come by for one and I will be taking them to the IFS Conference this weekend.

I will give a copy to anyone who will read the whole thing and write a review.  You can pan it if you want, but I want a commitment to read and write about it.  I will post your review on the web site, Just Conflict, and will invite you to post it to Amazon as well.

Now I get to promote the thing.  I will be sending copies to anyone I think will want to interview me publically or will want to publish a review.  I welcome your suggestions.

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Mark, congratulations...wow...good work!!! Wooo Hooo!!!
I highly recommend that you ask people to link you to their Facebook account and other social networking sites...I have linked you to my Facebook...you may also want to get on YouTube if you have not done so yet...I am impressed...you meet my need (desire) for clarity in an insane world of human ignorance and the lack of respect that exists for human dignity.

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