
There are several handouts which we use as a part of the Building Healthy Relationships class.  You can find links to pdf's of those handouts here. [This page is still under development.  If there is a form you are looking for which isn't available, just call or email us.]

Conflict Log: this is a form to fill out each week to help to prepare for the class and the group.  It a way of capturing the events that we might choose to work on to develop greater awareness and to clarify a course of action which would move us closer to what we need.

PowerPoint Presentations: each class presents material through a PowerPoint Presentation displayed on a large screen.  This visual display informs the lecture and discussion.  Printouts are available to help students review the material from each class. 

Disciplines: there are 10 disciplines which are taught in the course of the class.  A description of each is available through the Just Conflict site.  In addition you can print a pdf of each of the print versions of the material.

Other worksheets:  There are many other worksheets that are available in class to guide students through the process of mastering the material and becoming skilled at the techniques of Creative Conflict Resolution. Here are links to pdf's of those worksheets which you can print for yourself.

  1. Intimate Justice Scale: This is an assessment tool which persons and couples can fill out to look at the ways they address conflict and the degree to which those strategies are oppressive to each other.
  2. Credo of Accountability:  This is a statement of commitment to building greater accountability in our lives.  See if this is something which you can affirm for yourself.  If you cannot, try to discover what causes your hesitation.
  3. Significant Relationships worksheet:  We cannot become masterful at conflict resolution if we ignore conflicts in our most significant relationships.  This is a tool for discovering which relationships are most significant.
  4. Patterns of Conflict worksheet: There are many more conflicts arising in our lives than we can creatively address.  Our energy is best put to addressing those which happen over and over.  This worksheet will help you identify those patterns.
  5. Grid for identification of patterns of conflict:  This worksheet is a tool for putting together the five most significant relationships with the patterns of conflict to help you identify the patterns which transcend a given relationship.
  6. Chart of the Orders of Self:  This is a colorful map for looking at the development of the Orders of Self.
  7. Needs Summary:  This is a single sheet summary of a typology of needs.
  8. Doing What Helps:  This is a summary of guidelines for addressing conflicts creatively and  it includes a narrative of an interaction of a couple which illustrates each of the principles.

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